
Episode 4:

Open Heart Surgery
Regulating Temporary Usage

09 Apr 2018, 2 PM
KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, DE

An afternoon discussion of urban redevelopment by means of art, in the light of KW’s upcoming plans for Prinzenstraße 32, in Berlin-Kreuzberg. The former Robben & Wientjes compound is being repurposed for use as a temporary cultural hub. It is where KW is shortly to exhibit work by New York based artist Lynn Hershman Leeson.

Which is why the following questions will be prioritized here. On the one hand: What kind of leeway do short-term uses actually offer the art field? Can this tactic be defined or regulated in a way that lends it the long-term option of benefitting the immediate neighborhood? On the other hand: Which institutional aims really are achieved via strategies of temporary usage – who genuinely benefits from deregulated short-term planning patterns? With the help of such critical forensics of our own traditional methods, perhaps we can gradually move toward a renewed measure of “Corporate Responsibility” as a professional field.

Language: German
