
Episode 6:

Introducing BLOCC
Sommerakademie Paul Klee

01 Aug–19 Aug 2018
Sommerakademie Paul Klee, Bern, CH

BLOCC is an educational platform emerging from the REALTY research program at the Sommerakademie Paul Klee Bern. BLOCC’s syllabus strives to be adaptable to educational settings anywhere within the global stratosphere of Contemporary art. It asserts that, to a budding artist, learning Conceptualism 101 is no more important than tools to deal with gentrification processes. Only if such tools are hard-wired into art school curricula can a generational shift become inevitable.

The 20-month research process at the Sommerakademie, ran from August 2017 to April 2019.

Research Fellows: Johanna Bruckner, Crystal Z Campbell, Luiza Crosman, Alexandros Kyriakatos, Alexis Mitchell, Bahar NoorizadehHeather O’Brien, Jonathan Takahashi

Language: English